6 June 2015

ArtsThread Profile.

Hello everyone! :)
It's been a really long time since I've last written anything on the blog... I have to apologize, I have been so busy during my last year of university that I did not have any spare time to work on new posts.
I am back now!! I won't be able to post too often but I promise I will try my best :)

First of all, I wanted to introduce you guys to my ArtsThread profile. ArtsThread is a great website designed to connect graduates, students, universities and industry within several fields of design.
It is a user-friendly platform, very useful to showcase your work - portfolios, projects, photo shoots/videos/movies. It is easily accessible thanks to its availability online, and it allows you to upload many projects to keep your profile as up to date and as competitive as possible.
For anyone interested in some of my Graduate Collection portfolio work, you can find it here .

Screenshot of my ArtsThread profile.

In my next post I will show you guys some of the work I have been doing for my final graduate collection and the amazing experience I have had during Graduate Fashion Week :)

Does any of you guys have an ArtsThread profile? Do you find it helpful/useful in keeping connected with the industry?

Until next time,
x, Val.